BBC TV presenter Ray Gosling has delivered a shocking on-air confession: he smothered his lover to death.
In a documentary on death and dying on BBC One's Inside Out East Midlands program -- filmed in December -- Gosling is seen walking through a cemetery when he says, "And maybe, this is the time to share a secret that I've kept for quite a long time.
"I killed someone, once," Gosling continues. "He was a young chap, he had been my lover, and he got AIDS."
Gosling said that one "hot afternoon" in a hospital, doctors said there was nothing further they could do and his lover was in "terrible, terrible pain" so he asked the doctors to leave them alone.
"And I picked up the pillow, and smothered him until he was dead," Gosling said. "The doctor came back, I said, 'He's gone.' Nothing more was ever said."
Gosling then put his head down and cried.
The BBC reports that police are now investigating Gosling and the network will cooperate with the investigation fully.
Gosling later claimed that the two "had a pact" and that he doesn't think what he did was a crime.
"When you love someone, it is difficult to see them suffer," he said. "It's a terrible situation. I loved him to bits. We had a pact. He said if the pain gets bad and if nothing can be done, don't let him linger on. I don't think it's a crime. If he was looking down on me now, he would be proud."
Είναι λογικό να μην μπορείς να βλέπεις τον άνθρωπό σου υποφέρει, αλλά να επιφέρεις το θάνατο;
Δεν είναι και εύκολο..
A most difficult choice to make... but, still, a most blessed act!
tragiko. de xero an exoume to dikeoma na to kanoume ,
pantos me sygkinise o typos/!
de me sokarei giati distixos de me sokarei pia
Οπως το λες... δυσκολο να βλεπεις καποιον που αγαπας να υποφερει... απ την αλλη... καθολου ευκολο να παρεις μια αποφαση...
λες... "but, still, a most blessed act!"
Θελω να συμφωνησω μαζι σου...
Βορεια απο εμας εδω, στην πανεμορφη πολιτεια του Ορεγκον, (οπου οι ανθρωποι ειναι περισσοτερο κοντα στη φυση), εχουν περασει με ψηφοφορια νομο για ευθανασια και την εχουν νομιμοποιησει... Ετσι σε περιπτωσεις οπως η παραπανω τα παντα γινονται μεταξυ ασθενους και ιατρου...
μερικες φορες σοκαρει και ποναει περισσοτερο, οταν βλεπεις ενα αγαπημενο ατομο να υποφερει αφορητα, και να σου λενε οτι κανεις δεν μπορει να κανει τιποτα...
Ισχύει ότι έγραψα και στον bear!
"νομίζω ότι πρέπει να υπάρχει και η συμετοχή ενός ψυχολόγου και του θεράποντα ιατρού."
Συμφωνω απολυτα.
Με τετοια ακριβως μετρα εχει νομιμοποιειθει η ευθανασια στο Oregon και Washington states.
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